Press & News

International Exhibition of Calligraphy at the Design Centre of Ankara, 2019

International Exhibition Kaligrafist at the Design Centre of Istanbul, 2017" 

Interview for Bound and Lettered, Editor John Neal Bookseller, Vol. 13, No. 2 (2016)

Interview for Scripsit, The Washington Calligraphers Guild Journal, Editor Michael Clark 2015, Vol. 37, No. 1 (2015)

A recent interview for The Magazine of Philadelphia Calligraper's Society
by Leslie Coren, Vol. I, N.2, Fall 2015

Exibition with some of my works, at the ATBARTGALLERY "
CalligraphicArt: La sublime arte della Calligrafia", Corso Verona 21 - Turin (ITALY)
Here is a recent interview for Artist's Blok Magazine Special Edition Issue about Typography, Letters and Penmanship, published in July, 2014 (pages 18-25)